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How to get there: Drive to Boulder, then north on CO36 to Lyons. At Lyons take CO7 to Raymond, and continue north on CO7 to the intersection with CO72. It is another ten miles north on CO7 to the Longs Peak Ranger Station turn-off. Both the Storm Pass and Longs Peak Trails start at this trailhead, noted on the Longs Peak & Storm Pass map as (P)1. The community of Meeker Park is about 2 miles south of the turnoff to Longs Peak Ranger Station. Storm Pass: Storm Pass was named by old-timers of the area because they considered it the gathering place for inclement weather in this region. The pass is an easy hike to a 10000\' elevation before descending the west side. During the early fall, troops camped in Rocky Mountain National Park at th© Glacier Basin Campground and hiked Storm Pass as the major event. The total hiking distance is 6.5 miles. Drive at least one car to Glacier Basin Campground, noted on the map as (P)2. Get your campground reservations plus leave a car for return transportation to pick up the other vehicles later in the day. The trail: The hike over Storm Pass will start on the east side using the trailhead at Longs Peak Ranger Station as the starting point. After hiking about .5 mile on the Longs Peak Trail; you will come to a trail junction, turn right, and head north. Follow the trail north for about 1 mile through fairly level terrain with moderate forest. The Eugenia Mine ruins will appear on your left, take the spur trail and visit what remains. Continuing north for .5 mile the trail intersects with the Storm Pass Trail. Turn west or left at this point. Hike west on Storm Pass Trail for another .5 mile, the trail will split again. The right trail goes north to Estes Cone, while the left trail continues over Storm Pass. You will begin a long descent (2.5 miles) after crossing the pass. The first trail intersection to the right is the Wind River Trail which is not the best trail to Glacier Basin Campground. Continue on the main trail another .5 mile and you will reach he Glacier Basin Trail. Turn right (or north) onto the Glacier Basin Trail, it is 1.5 miles to Glacier Basin Campground.
Created on: 2024-09-08 12:24:51
Last edited by: rhall290472 On: 2024-09-18 19:59:57