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Fault caves are located just west of Golden off US 6, there are several interlocking caves with six entrances. The walls of the caves are made from granite, these are the largest known granite caves in the state. The shifting of the mountain over the ages has created faults that provide the tunneling through the mountain. The caves have several tunnel structures and an upper level. There are several pits and a 24\' drop-off, so be careful with your Scouts. How to get there: Take US 6 west. After you pass through the first tunnel watch your odometer and drive .4 miles from tunnel No.1 west portal. There will be two small parking areas on the left side of US 6, park here. Look across the road to the northwest side, there is a steep rocky gully. This is the path that leads up to the caves; the trail is sometimes very distinctive and at other times almost completely obliterated. The caves are 325 yards (975\') northwest of US 6. The trail is quite steep to the caves. The main cave entrance is not actually in the gully but on a small ridge to the right of the trail. Access to these caves is primarily in the summer and fall when ice and snow are off the hills. Fault Cave is notoriously difficult to find without good directions. Getting to it will require a bit of a rock scramble, but experienced cavers won’t find this to be an issue. Head west out of the town of Golden on 6th Avenue, past the first tunnel. On your left, a few hundred yards past the tunnel there should be a parking lot. Pull in there, and backtrack down the road about 100 yards–the trailhead to the cave starts there.
Created on: 2024-09-08 13:20:45
Last edited by: rhall290472 On: 2024-09-13 23:32:40