Lost Creek Area

Lost Creek Wilderness - Backpack

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The Lost Creek Wilderness Area is located about 40 miles southwest of the Denver Metropolitan area. Two major loops circle within and around this Wilderness Area.
Five major trailheads can be used to access these loops.
1. Goose Creek
2. Medicine Tree (Wigwam)
3. Lost Park
4. Tarryali
5. Twin Eagles
Two maps are provided; the first is, \"Highways To Lost Creek Area\" and the second is a detailed trails map, \"Lost Creek Area\". To limit duplication of trail discussion we will start at the Medicine Tree Trailhead, which is on the northeast side of the Lost Creek Area.
If you are planning to earn the 50 Miler Award be sure to review the requirements while you plan your trip. See section 26-9 in the Important Facts and Information Chapter.
There are numbers of places to camp within the Lost Creek Area. Some of the better locations are noted with the campsite symbol on the trail map, but many others exist.
If you choose not to carry a week’s food supply, there are two trailheads, Lost Park and Goose Creek, which are close to the trail where you could leave a car with additional supplies.
How to get there: Take US 285 west to Pine Junction, turn left on CO126, drive south for 22 miles, through the towns of Pine and Buffalo Creek. As soon as you pass Wigwam Campground be on the lookout (.25 mile) for the road to Cheesman Lake (CR211). The road to Cheesman Lake is a narrow and winding gravel road which last approximately 3 miles. At the top, make a right turn (do not descend to Cheesman Lake) and continue on CR211 for 1 mile. At that point, CR211 goes left and FS560 goes right, follow FSR560. In about 1.5 miles the road splits again, continue on FSR560, which is to the right. You will go up a number of switchbacks and in 3 miles turn west (left) off FSR560 onto an ungraded road that ends at the Medicine Tree Trailhead.
Note: Read the rules about group size and campsite locations as related to distances from lakes, streams and trails. Q Medicine Tree Trailhead to Lost Park Trailhead - Start at Medicine Tree Trailhead hiking on a jeep road for a short distance; continue on FS609 which parallels Wigwam Creek. In 4 miles you arrive at the east end of Wigwam Park. The trail parallels the north side of Wigwam Park. Continue to follow FS609 west through the open valley; you will enter a higher park, some of the better water can be found here from a spring that exits from under a large rock. Continue on FS609 over the saddle that separates Wigwam Park from East Lost Park. The trail descends Into East Lost Park. There are a couple of locations on the south side of East Lost Park that are good campsites. The water in this area is not as good because of the number of cow pies. East Lost Park to Lost Creek Trailhead is 3.5 miles. Continue to Lost Park Campground, where FS609 connects with FS607. How to get there: Take US 285 west to Pine Junction, turn left on CO126, drive south for 22 miles, through the towns of Pine and Buffalo Creek. As soon as you pass Wigwam Campground be on the lookout (.25 mile) for the road to Cheesman Lake (CR211). The road to Cheesman Lake is a narrow and winding gravel road which last approximately 3 miles. At the top, make a right turn (do not descend to Cheesman Lake) and continue on CR211 for 1 mile. At that point, CR211 goes left and FS560 goes right, follow FSR560. In about 1.5 miles the road splits again, continue on FSR560, which is to the right. You will go up a number of switchbacks and in 3 miles turn west (left) off FSR560 onto an ungraded road that ends at the Medicine Tree Trailhead. Segment Total -12.75 miles Total from Start -12.75 miles ® Lost Park to FS607 / FS629 Intersection - From Lost Park Campground you follow trail FS607, turning south to parallel the western side of the Tarryall Mountains. FS607 goes uphill paralleling Indian Creek for about three miles. (Note: water on the west side of the Tarryall Mt. is difficult to come-bv. Fill up your canteen every time you get a chance.) There are several small parks along Indian Creek that are good campsites with ample water. The next trail intersection is FS607 and FS629. Segment Total - 5 miles Total from Start -17.75 miles ® FS6071FS629 to McCurdy Park -The trail turns east on FS607, continuing uphill for 5 miles. There is a series of switchbacks on this part of the trail, you are crossing the Tarryall high country going by Mt. McCurdy, 12,164 feet. Early in the summer season there will be water from snowmelt, but in late summer good water is hard to find. At 5.5 miles from the last trail intersection you will arrive at McCurdy Park where FS607 and FS628 intersect. McCurdy Park is a high valley with the remains of a shelter and a stream. There are trees surrounding the park at the elevation of 10,800 feet. Segment Total - 5.5 miles Total from Start - 23.25 miles • McCurdy Park to Lake Park - Continue south from McCurdy Park on FS607. In a mile the FS639 intersection occurs. (Note: be sure you and your water bottle are full again). Take FS639 southeast heading to Lake Park. FS639 continues uphill, this will be the highest point (11,560 feet) of the trip, hike over the ridge and back down the other side until you reach Lake Park. Distance between McCurdy Park and Lake Park is 3.5 miles. Lake Park is a big meadow surrounded by majestic rock formations. Water is found in a stream on the north slope. Early hikers should know that snow remains until July. Segment Total - 3.5 miles Total from Start - 26.75 miles © Lake Park to Goose Creek Trailhead - Continue on FS639 south to Hankins Pass and FS630. At this point, if you need to exit, it is 4 miles west to Twin Eagles Trailhead. To continue the trek go east on FS630, heading toward Goose Creek. The trail is downhill for 4.5 miles. Water soon appears in Hankins Gulch. About halfway down there is a nice aspen meadow with active beaver ponds, a good campsite. About .5 mile before arriving at Goose Creek a trail crosses a small bridge on the south side. The Goose Creek Trailhead parking is located about .5 mile over the bridge and up the hill. Continue east for another .5 mile to Goose Creek. Turn north for another .2 mile and a metal bridge will cross Goose Creek. Segment Total - 4.5 miles Total from Start -31.25 miles ® Goose Creek Trailhead to Shaft House - When you cross the metal bridge you’ll pickup FS612 and head north for the next major leg of the 50 mile trek. Continue along FS612 on flat terrain; when you reach the first major incline another trail will branch to the left. Good campsites are located across Goose Creek from this point. Cross on logs to the south or rocks to the north to access campsites. If you are not camping in this area, continue on FS612 up the incline going north to Shaft House. About 3 miles from the start of the incline a trail will branch west to Shaft House. Stop and visit the old cabins and graves, then take the short trail behind the cabin to the shaft. West of the shaft site, continue between the rocks to view Lost Creek and the hidden valley, it is spectacular. Decent camping is found along Lost Creek where it exits from its underground caves. The campsites are west and a little south of the cabins, paralleling the creek. Segment Total - 3.25 miles Total from Start - 34.5 miles @ Shaft House to Lost Creek - From Shaft House continue north on FS612 for 2 miles to the intersection with FS628. Refrigerator Gulch is west another 1 mile on FS628. There are some interesting caverns and box canyons in the Refrigerator Gulch area; also good camping. Continue west for another two miles to Lost Creek; again good campsites are available. There are a lot of underground passageways where the stream enters and then reappears at another location. The best rock outcroppings are also located along this last 2 mile leg of the trek. Segment Total - 5 miles Total from Start - 39.5 miles Lost Creek to Wigwam Park - Return to the intersection of FS612 and FS628, go north on FS612 up and over the top to Wigwam Park, a total of 7 miles from Lost Creek. There is an established campsite in the forest on the north side of Wigwam Park just before you exit the forest known by some as Woodpecker Grove. Segment Total - 7 miles Total from Start - 46.5 miles @ Wigwam Park to Medicine Tree Trailhead - The last leg is from Wigwam Park to Medicine Tree Trailhead and the vehicles. Segment Total - 5.25 miles Total from Start - 51.75 miles plus any side trips TRAIL NUMBERS AND NAMES FS Trail No. 607 609 612 628 629 630 639 Trail Name Brookside McCurdy Wigwam Goose Creek McCurdy Park Ute Creek Hankins Pass Lake Park

Created on: 2024-09-07 16:47:32

Last edited by: rhall290472 On: 2024-09-25 15:10:22
