Leadville Area

Longs Gulch - Backpack

Longs Gulch is southwest of the car camping area described above. All you need to do is Ford the second creek next to the car camping area and travel about 400 feet further south, park your vehicle, reference “West Tennessee Creek”, map notation (P)3. The trail to Longs Gulch is a segment of the Colorado Trail, just west of where you parked.
Longs Gulch is about 3 miles one-way. The trail is an old logging road, still quite wide with washed-out areas around the rocks. The trail, FS1776, is a steady incline for the first 1.5 miles. After it flattens out for about .25 miles, it descends southwesterly for 1 mile into the valley floor of Longs Gulch. It is forested along the trail. After you intersect with the Longs Gulch Trail continue west and the trees will fade out into a grassy meadow. There will be a Holy Cross Wilderness sign and sign-in sheet. A short distance beyond the sign you will notice an old cabin to the left of the trail with only part of its walls still standing. Directly below this cabin, next to the stream is a grassy meadow with several good tent campsites, campsite 4 on the map. If you want to go further you can hike another mile following the trail to the top of a ridge (no name ridge). There are two lakes on the top; the area is flat with several open spaces for campsites with intermittent trees that will provide some protection from the wind, noted as campsite 5 on the map.

Created on: 2024-09-07 21:45:34
