Indian Peaks Area

Tahosa To Pawnee Pass, Return Buchanan Pass - Backpack

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The following loop is suggested, it originates and returns to Camp Tahosa. No description is provided, but it has been used in past high adventure programs at Camp Tahosa. Plan 3-5 days for this trek. Be sure to reference Forest Service, Trails Illustrated #102 or Topographical maps.
Trail Name Trail No. Trail Mileage
So. St. Vrain Tr. FS909 4.5
Pawnee Pass Tr. FS907 4.3
Cascade Creek Tr. FS1 7.3
Buchanan Tr. West FS2 5.0
Buchanan Tr. East FS910 3.5
Coney Flats Rd. FSR507 3.5
County Road 96 CR96 _2T
30.8 miles

Created on: 2024-09-08 12:13:59
